Supporting your Intentions for 2024

We are halfway through January. How is it going with those intentions for new year? I know it helps when I have reminders and support. A simple and powerful idea is creating the support around me with Shrines. Shrines bring the sacred into your home and heart. They help to remind us to get present, to meditate, to pray, support our intentions and of all that is holy.

According to the dictionary definition…”a place regarded as holy because of its associations with a divinity or a sacred person or relic”.

There are many uses and ways to create shrines. I find having a shrine to be grounding and supportive of getting centered, remembering what’s important and holy, healing, setting my intentions, honoring those that are important in my life, a place of prayer, support and manifestation. I have shrines all over my home. …a shrine for my ancestors, the earth, to celebrate a union, my loved ones, for special places, creating abundance, healing, for deities, guides and my dreams.

Marriage ceremony shrine

Shrines are also a beautiful way to creatively express. My shrines incorporate the elements (candles, water, stones, flowers, etc.), photographs, special objects, money and tokens.

What is on your Shrine to support your intentions and dreams for 2024? I would love to see your ideas and creative expressions.


Preparing for the Thaw


Tools for Reflecting & Building from the Inside Out